How to make a One Time Payment
In order to make a one time payment, you must login into the Member's page: https://www.dslextreme.com/login.aspx?returnurl=%2fmembers
Under the BILLING & PAYMENTS, select Make a Payment
Select the invoices you wish to pay by checking the boxes
Enter the Credit card information, check the "I hereby authorize DSL Extreme..." box and click the Submit button. If you selected all invoices listed and filled in the credit information and hit submit, you should now have a balance of $0.00.
Note: Your oldest invoice is automatically selected and cannot be unselected. You must at least pay that invoice if you'd like to make a payment on your account.
Created On: 11/9/2004 11:55:00 AM
Last Modified On: 3/15/2011 1:28:00 PM
Article ID: 10151
Viewed 41,685 times