View our DSL Packages/Pricing
Are DSL customers able to use their telephone or fax machine while accessing the Internet over DSL?
Yes. DSL allows customers to use their existing phone line for voice or fax communications while they use the DSL service for Internet access or data communication services.
Will my telephone work even if my computer or modem is unplugged or disabled?
Yes. DSL modems have been designed so that your normal telephone service will operate even if the computer or DSL modem is unplugged or otherwise disabled.
Can I connect more than one computer to my DSL service / Can I use a router?
Yes! While routers are not supported by DSLExtreme technical support, you may use them to connect multiple computers to your DSLExtreme connection.
Can I host a server?
Yes. You may host a server on your connection as long as it is within our acceptable use policy. Spamming is not allowed and strictly enforced. If you plan on hosting a server we recommend a static IP address package with ample upload speed for your server applications.
Does DSLExtreme filter any ports? Port 25 is blocked for all customers to prevent against spam generated from our network by default. DHCP and Static IP customers who wish to remove this block may do so by changing their options in the members page. More information is available here.
Will my current phone features work with DSL?
DSL won't affect Caller ID, voice mail, call waiting or other advanced calling features; however, Distinctive Ring may not work with DSL in some areas.
Can I still use AOL or MSN?
Yes, America Online and MSN offer a special "Bring Your Own Access" plan that connects using TCP/IP for customers who already have high-speed Internet access (ISDN, DSL, etc.). This allows you to use your DSL service to access AOL & MSN content.
Will my VPN work with the DSL service?
Due to the variations in VPN clients we do not guarantee that your VPN will work nor do we provide support for your VPN. In general:
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) will work with the Dynamic connections but static IP connections are HIGHLY recommended. If you have a dynamic IP and are using a LinkMax HSA300A modem/router you will need to have NAT Transversal enabled on the host side.
Does DSL require installing an additional phone line?
No. DSL technology utilizes higher frequency spectrums for data transmissions that are not being used by voice communications. This allows simultaneous analog voice or fax and DSL data transmission over the same telephone line. You still use your phone as you do now.
What equipment do I need for DSL access?
A DSL end-user must be equipped with a DSL modem and a network ready computer. The DSL modem must be compatible with our DSL equipment and can be ordered from DSLExtreme. In addition, the end-user's computer must meet recommended minimum system requirements.
Can I use any modem with my DSLExtreme DSL service?
No. For ATM circuits you must have an ADSL modem that supports rfc1483 bridge mode. SDSL modems are not compatible. Frame relay circuits will only work with Fujitsu DSL modems. Regular 56k dial-up modems will not work as a DSL modem. If you want to use a modem from another source, please check with us first to determine compatibility.
What are the steps of self-installation?
Installation instructions are provided with your Home Installation kit. In brief:
Step 1 - Install DSL Filters DSL filters, also known as micro-filters, keep the DSL and voice signals seperate. Installing them is as easy as plugging in your phone. Step 2 - Install DSL Modem If you don't already have a DSL modem, you may order one as part of your service, including detailed installation instructions. Plug the modem directly into the wall jack, using the phone cord provided. Step 3 - Configure Your Computer
Most computers are configured in 5 easy steps.
Can DSL work with our multi-line phone setup?
It is possible, but it will usually require professional installation involving additional equipment at your location. We HIGHLY recommend that you use a direct line not associated with your phone system such as a fax line.
What is DSLExtreme's billing process?
DSL Extreme invoices for a one month period and all bills are due on the first day of that period. For example, if the invoice due covers the time period of March 2nd to April 2nd, the bill is due promptly on March 2nd.
What is the Supplier Surcharge Recovery (SSR)?
Click here to view an explanation of the SSR
Am I charged for the time my DSL modem or computer is online?
No. DSLExtreme DSL Internet access is unlimited. You will not have to worry about how long your modem or computer is in use or turned on.
How much does DSL cost?
Click here to view our DSL Pricing/Plans
Will I see additional charges on my phone bill?
No. DSLExtreme has no hidden fees. We charge you for the DSL circuit, the ISP service, and federal taxes in a single low monthly bill that is from us not the telephone company.
What are the payment options for DSL service?
1. Automatic Credit Card Billing - Charges automatically deducted at the beginning of the month from your Credit/Debit card. 2. Make Payments Online - If you want to continue to receive a paper statement in the mail, but want the ease of paying your bills online, you can make credit card payments online by logging into the Member page at going to www.DSLExtreme.com/Members
You can always view or print your payments, invoices and current balance anytime by signing on to www.DSLExtreme.com/Members
I heard on the radio that DSL is $9.95/month, is this correct?
No, you heard the ad incorrectly. We offer dial-up connections for as low as $9.95/monthly if you pre-pay for the year.
What is a Static IP address?
An IP (Internet Protocol) address identifies a computer or other device on the Internet for the purposes of sending or receiving data. It is much like a telephone number. Having a static IP enables you to be able to host a server or setup VPN's or remotely administer your computer. Basically you always know where on the internet your machine is because it isn't moving around.
Can I register a domain name for my personal web-space?
No. Personal web-space is not IP address specific.
How is DSL different from other Internet connections?
Dial-up (Analog) Modems Analog modems were designed to work on regular telephone lines and usually operate at speeds ranging from 28.8K to 56K. The main difference between analog and DSL modems is that an analog modem works over a small range of voice frequencies. Cable Modems Some Internet connections are available through cable television lines that have been upgraded to carry data in two directions. However, you share bandwidth and this access with your neighborhood, so there is a possibility of slowdowns during peak-use periods just because your neighbors log on. DSL DSL technology provides a dedicated service over your existing phone lines. This means that you don't have to share your local access connection with other users.
How does DSL work?
DSLExtreme DSL is based on Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), a super-fast modem technology that can provide data transmission at significantly higher speeds than your standard 56K modem. DSL transforms standard twisted-pair copper telephone wires into a high-speed digital pipe. Since this wiring is already in place in most homes and offices, millions of users can switch to DSL service without the need to run new wires to your location. DSL is designed to take advantage of the portion of the bandwidth not used for voice calls. DSL technology splits your phone line into three information channels. One carries data at high speeds from the Internet to your home computer. Another channel transports data at moderate speeds from your home computer to the Internet. The third channel handles regular phone calls and faxes. You'll be able to surf the Internet while making phone calls or sending a fax. Your regular phone line will continue to work in the event that a power failure affects your computer.
How fast is DSL?
DSLExtreme offers several packages with download speeds ranging from 192kbps - 7.1mbps. DSLExtreme DSL customers enjoy the ability to download files and surf the Internet at lightning speeds. Throughput speeds experienced will be lower than connection speeds based on factors including the distance between your home and the telephone company central office; the condition of your line; traffic on the network and the Internet; and the performance of servers hosting Web sites you visit among other factors.
How does DSL support both voice and data on the same line?
Normal telephone usage occupies a very small portion of the total range of frequencies available over phone lines. DSL uses a range of frequencies that begin above where normal telephone usage stops. Micro-filters prevent the different ranges of signals from causing interference with one another.
Is DSL available in my area?
Click here to check availability
Created On: 3/21/2008 9:18:00 PM
Last Modified On: 4/4/2016 10:11:00 AM
Article ID: 11128
Viewed 157,837 times